Nsana Banimba (Jussie)

Prints Available

Originals Available

Contact us to inquire about purchasing prints or originals at inquiry@northwaveland.com


Jussie was born in Central Africa’s capital city Brazzaville in the Republic of Congo, and now lives and works in the port city and oil hub Pointe-Noire. Translated, Pointe-Noire means Black Rock referring to the city’s Black Rocks along the shoreline.  Located just south of the UNESCO recognized National Park Conkouati-Douli — home to conservation projects designed for Gorillas, Elephants, and forest ecosystems. The Republic of Congo has been a country with a rich historical and socio-cultural background.

Jussie’s professional training includes degrees in Art Studies, Plastic Arts, Fine Arts, and Animation. She regularly exhibits throughout Africa and continues to receive high acclaim for her unique art approach.  Each piece represents a different view point of her life.  Jussie looks to communicate topics that impact daily life in Congo and those that involve nature — a true cross road of many sorts. Throughout her works she aims to convey a message to all who fight to end racism around the world. The Soul Power series can be linked to the US Black Panther movement of the 1960’s which was birthed to empower people of color – to fight against racial segregation.  A visual artist that’s deeply rooted in her craft, Jussie illustrates artistic poetry that reaches for the soul.

In her own words: “I define art as a plant with many branches, and blossoms through different techniques and languages. The main source of my inspiration is “Nzambi’a Mpungu” the Kongo words for God almighty. God is the one who inspires my work.  As an artist I see myself as an ambassador of culture for my country and mother Africa, and my work is a representation to world that reflects the load we bear as a society.”


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