Krhistina was born in the city of León located in Guanajuato, Mexico. Historically, the State of Guanajuato has overflowed with cultural wealth. Known as the Cradle of Mexico’s Independence (1810) and the epicenter of humanity. Guanajuato is one of many places in central Mexico with African roots. Afro-Mexican culture has been a tie that binds here, and sadly narratives that go untold in Mexico’s history until recently. Krhistina looks to reshape this paradigm. She’s a multidisciplinary artist that looks to use her talents to tell these stories and revive traditions. As an activist for Afro-decedents in Latin America, she’s committed to bringing social themes into her works that reinforce roots and identity. Born to a family of master puppeteers, she learned the craft and business at an early age. Today, Krhistina is driven by her own artistic disciplines that cross several areas of the arts like – puppetry, dancing, singing, acting, and plastic arts.
Through her works she looks to shake, bother, provoke each viewer with topics of her interests. With each discipline she communicates an artistic language that’s reflective and analytical, and capable of reaching all audiences – from children to adults. Common themes Krhistina has developed feature the recognition and dignification of Afromexicanty in Mexico. She offers workshops and multidisciplinary shows that stimulate the senses and provoke dialogues around ethnicity for the purpose of bringing people closer to cultural traditions like – music, oral traditions, theater, masks, and dance among others.
In her own words: “To date, I continue to grow my career in all the countries where I can develop my artistic abilities in each discipline. I often find inspiration from various sources, and throughout my career I have been fortunate to work and meet great theater and film directors, as well as many artists in all disciplines that have fed my soul with their work and experiences. In addition to my personal approach to the plastic arts, my creativity takes inspiration from poetry, music, dance, live arts, cooking (which I love to do), painting, literature among many others. Through the process of syncretism, each experience leaves a mark on me in which I integrate into my work.”
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