Edwin Ochieng’ Nyaluogo

Prints Available

Originals Available

Contact us to inquire about purchasing prints or originals at inquiry@northwaveland.com


Edwin is a self-taught artist who’s been passionate about various forms of expression ever since he realized he could hold a crayon.  Born in the Lake Victoria coastal city of Kisumu located in Nairobi, Kenya, art has always been top-of-mind for as long as he could remember.  Even with a house full of siblings — totaling six in all, dreams of becoming a professional artist was always near and dear.

Throughout Edwin’s childhood his teachers would notice notebooks full of doodles and sketches.  This practice followed him into his college years.  Even as a Computer Science major, he could not relinquish the passion.  After graduation and attaining certifications in a variety of visual arts platforms to display his digital work, he set-off to follow his passion by publishing a set of custom playing cards using ink, pencil and soft pastels.

Edwin is a generational talent who continues to explore, including new pathways like 3D and Game Development as a media.  In addition to his art, he is a participant and staff member of an African consortium that celebrates and cultivates local and international innovation.



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