Ebtihal Hussaen

Rated 4.50 out of 5 based on 2 customer ratings
(2 customer reviews)


Ebtihal is from the capital city of Khartoum, Sudan.  In addition to being the sixth-largest city in Africa, it is also the home to the modernist art movement which began in the 1960s around the time it gained its independence.  Sudan has been widely recognized for its rich cultures, unexplored territories and artistic motifs like Islamic calligraphy writing.

Ebtihal works capture the diverse nature of her community and culture. Born from a labor of love, she uses the arts to amplify ideas. Realizing her love for the arts, it became more than a way to support herself economically, but a necessity of enrichment and encouragement for herself and others. Ebtihal describes her inspirations like those of Sudanese and foreign artists as the fabric of her DNA.

In her own words: “I was drawn to the arts because of my love for the creative process. The allure of a difficult process communicated in simplistic ways has attracted me for as long as I can remember.  I try to make the recipient of my work love what they see.  Not because the image(s) are appealing, but they LOVE the connection that they have to the work emotionally.  I try to paint every day.  Although it gets challenging, art is the nature of my life and the essence of who I am.”

2 reviews for Ebtihal Hussaen

  1. Rated 4 out of 5

    Mohamed Alsadig

    graet Work we hope all sudanese be like you

  2. Rated 5 out of 5


    Outstanding painting for a distinguished artist🌹

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