Chriss Aghana Nwobu

Prints Available

Originals Available

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Chriss is from the commercial capital of Africa Lagos, Nigeria.  Home to over twenty million people, the West African city has had its challenges and rewards that creative people like Chriss have absorbed and overcome.  With an explosive trajectory in all facets of culture, the country and city has received high acclaim in areas like the arts, energy, and technology.  Known as the next Silicon Valley due to the new generation of engineers and software developers, and a bustling art renaissance that’s encompassing of seeds of traditional themes and new narratives sprouting throughout the urban sprawl.  The landscape is gaining a reputation for more than a destination for collectors, but the curious are leaning towards this destination as an addition to the arts ecosystem.

As an inspirational photographer who’s always asking questions and seeking new ways to formulate ideas, Chriss reaches within the depths of the environments in which he works to isolate focal points to make the world a better place to live.  Inspired by what he sees, hears, and smells, his nomadic style allows him to explore the uniqueness of cultures.

In his own words: “Through the people I meet and places I travel to, human interaction is at the center of my ideas wrapped in the architecture in which we live. Through this embodiment, I look to communicate views about the world and how I understand it.  The creativity that occurs is merely a mirror of how I as a creative perceive viewpoints.  Many artists find it their mission to give voice to the voiceless.  This is certainly a priority of mine, however the issues I address be it social or political, I find what really matters to me is how different people connect to the people they see within my works or the issues my subjects face.  The social endeavor I look to reach through my works is to touch the lives of my observers.  The creator of the universe is the most creative, and I have no doubt that I am simply bestowed a gift that I share with others.”


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